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maxim integrated

maxim integrated

美信半导体是Maxim Integrated的中文名,是全球领先的半导体制造供应商公司总部在美国加州。

2001年,Maxim Integrated美信半导体并购了Dallas Semiconductor。Maxim Integrated美信半导体的使命是提供极具创新的模拟和混合信号解决方案,为客户的产品提供增值服务。Maxim Integrated美信半导体公司在欧洲、亚洲、美国建立分支机构,在中国的办事处有北京、上海、深圳三处。在2013年财年,Maxim Integrated美信半导体全球销售额达到24亿美元,并拥有9,200位雇员以及35,000位顾客。-2013年,Maxim迎来公司成立30周年庆。

Maxim Integrated美信半导体公司成立于1983年,最早的九名团队成员分别在半导体设计和销售领域拥有丰富经验。他们凭借短短两页的商业计划书,获得了900万美元的风险投资,成立了Maxim Integrated美信半导体公司。在最初的5年间,公司开发了24款产品。此后,Maxim Integrated美信半导体设计了差异性突出、利润较高的自主产品。

微处理器是任何电子产品的核心,它与设备的工作环境—人、物理世界、电源以及其它数字系统相互联系、相互作用。Maxim Integrated美信半导体是全球模拟、混合信号、高频及数字电路设计、研发、制造的领导者,所提供的产品能够实现上述数字内核与周边系统的连接。Maxim Integrated美信半导体在世界范围内拥有大约35,000个客户。

Maxim Integrated美信半导体设计、制造和销售高度集成的模拟、混合信号、高频和数字电路,其产品广泛用于工业、通信、消费类及计算市场。Maxim Integrated美信半导体的产品线包括:1-Wire和iButton器件;放大器与比较器;模拟开关与复用器;音频/视频;汽车;时钟发生与分配;模/数转换器;数/模转换器;数字电位计;模拟滤波器;高频ASIC;热插拔与[电源开关]];接口与互联;存储器 (易失、非易失、多功能);微控制器;军用/航空航天;光电子;电池与电源管理;电力线联网;保护与隔离;实时时钟;存储产品;微处理器监测器;T/E载波与分组交换通信;热管理;电压基准;无线、RF与电缆。

Maxim Integrated is an American, publicly traded company that designs, manufactures, and sells analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits.

Maxim Integrated develops integrated circuits (ICs) for the automotive, industrial, communications, consumer, and computing markets. Headquartered in San Jose, California, the company has design centers, manufacturing facilities, and sales offices throughout the world. In the fiscal year 2015, it had US$2.31 billion in sales, 8,800 employees, and 35,000 customers worldwide. Maxim is a Fortune 1000 company listed on the NASDAQ 100, Russell 1000, and MSCI US indices.

Maxim was founded in April 1983. Its nine initial team members had a variety of experience in semiconductors design and sales. The founding team included Jack Gifford, an industry pioneer since the 1960s; Fred Beck, an IC sales and distribution pioneer; Dave Bingham, General Electric’s Scientist of the Year in 1982; Steve Combs, a pioneer in wafer technologies and manufacturing; Lee Evans, also a pioneer in CMOS analog microchip design and General Electric’s Scientist of the Year in 1982; Dave Fullagar, inventor of the first internally compensated operational amplifier circuit; Roger Fuller, yet another pioneer in CMOS microchip design; Rich Hood, development director for some of the first microprocessor-controlled semiconductor test systems; and Dick Wilenken, who is acknowledged as the father of key analog switch and multiplexer technologies.[5] Based on a two-page business plan, they obtained US$9 million in venture capital to establish the company.[6] In the first year, the company developed 24 second-source products. After that, Maxim designed proprietary products that offered greater differentiation and higher profits.

Maxim recorded its first profitable fiscal year in 1987, with the help of a product called MAX232, and posted a profit every year since it went public in 1988. Annual revenue reached $500 million in fiscal year 1998 and in fiscal 2011 totaled over $2.47 billion.

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